Refractive Lens Replacement (Clear Lens Operation)

Refractive Lens Replacement (Clear Lens Operation) Blog

If you want to achieve better vision with surgery, but are not eligible for excimer laser surgery such as LASIK or PRK, clear lens replacement (Clear Lens surgery) may be the right option for you. This procedure, also called refractive lens exchange, is similar to cataract surgery. It can correct nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hypermetropia), and age-related nearsightedness (presbyopia). Because the natural lens (crystal) of your eye is removed during surgery, you will not need cataract surgery in the future.

What is Clear Lens Surgery?

Refractive lens replacement is the removal of the existing natural crystal in our eyes and replacing it with a thin lens. This lens is adjustable enough to eliminate the need to wear glasses. Staying safe in your eyes for the rest of your life, these lenses do not need to be removed during the day like contact lenses. It does not require special care or is not noticeable.

Who is Operation CLE for?

Today, many treatments are used to correct refractive errors such as myopia, hypermetropia, and astigmatism. These include many techniques such as excimer laser, astigmatic keratotomy, phakic lens and clear lens surgery. The most preferred among these methods is the excimer laser method, also known as laser treatment. But for laser treatment, there must be a certain age level, ideal corneal thickness and a certain eye number. Excimer laser treatment may not always be the ideal treatment for your eyes, so other alternative treatments have been developed specifically for these eyes. Among them, one of the safest, permanent and stable treatment methods is the method of changing refractive lenses (Clear Lens).

What Are the Advantages of Clear Lens Surgery?

It can be used to treat various eye disorders.

CLE can be used to correct the four most common types of refractive error: myopia (nearsightedness), hypermetropia (farsightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia, or hardening of the eye's natural lens, which usually occurs in people 40 or older.

Short recovery time.

Each procedure takes about 20 minutes and recovery time is usually very short. Most patients experience improved vision within 24 hours of surgery and are fully recovered within four weeks.

It has a high success rate.

Studies show success and satisfaction rates of around 90% to 95%. Success may depend on the individual's eye health and the type of IOL used.

It's a permanent fix.

There is no age-related change in the eye level when the refractive lens is changed.

Prevents cataract formation.

Cataracts only form in the natural lens of the eye, so replacing it before cataract surgery eliminates this need in the future.

How is the Evaluation Performed Before Refractive Lens Replacement Surgery?

Your doctor will first assess your vision. After this assessment, a biometric measurement is taken to determine the size of the lens to be placed in the eye. During this measurement, the eyes are numbed with drops and you are asked to look straight ahead. With this, your lens numbers will be determined within minutes and after a short process.

How is Clear Lens Surgery Performed?

Sedation drugs are given before the operation. The operation can be performed under local anesthesia and sedation. That is, your doctor will use local anesthetic drops so that you do not move your eye and do not feel pain. In general, pain is not felt during the operation, only a light touch may be felt. Patients receiving local anesthesia can communicate with the doctor because they are awake.

After the eyes are sterilized, a small instrument is placed to hold the eyelids open. During the operation, a small incision is made in the cornea of ​​your eye. With a phaco device, your existing lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) that will free you from your glasses. Except in special cases, no stitches are placed in your eyes. The operation takes about 5-10 minutes.


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